3 Easy Ways To Get Backlinks To Your Domains

Backlinks are a great way to improve your search engine ranking while exposing more people to your website or brand. There are plenty of great ways to get backlinks to your sites but there are definitely three techniques that I use most and you can too.

It is important to note that Backlinks should only be a part of your SEO strategy and not the main component. On top of this make sure you are being linked by high quality sites and articles. You want to represent your brand here so quality counts!

1) Reach-out to Similar Sites
This is definitely one of the best techniques as getting relevant sites to link to your site will be the most positively looked-upon by search engines. Of course your site should be link-worthy – if you just have a one-page site filled with ads nobody will want to link to you. If you’ve taken the time to build a high-quality site this can be a great way to build a quality backlink. By offering to exchange links with someone you are helping them too and you can potentially do some good networking within your niche as well!

2) Write A Post For A Related-Blog
There are plenty of blog publishers out there looking for other inspired and knowledgeable people to share information with their readers. If you’ve done writing in the past and can give some good examples there is a good chance you can guest post for a blog in your niche. This oftentimes also means including a link to your site which is a great backlink to have since it also has some representative content written by you.

3) Use Article Services Like EZineArticles.com or Helium.com
Article services are a guaranteed way to get a backlink to your site. Just remember, Google and Yahoo know this trick so it isn’t going to be as valuable as having a site within your niche link to your site. However you can use some excellent anchor text and a few articles to boost your backlinks and SEO. Still techniques #1 and #2 should be your first picks.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton