3 tools I’m using to keep my domain portfolio more organized

I’m always looking for ways to be more organized, and often I find that new/innovative software is where I find the most opportunities for improvement. I went from taking paper notes to using the Notes app on the iPhone to using Evernote. Boom – now my notes are a lot more organized and I have a system for keeping them that way.

The same thing happened to me with project management/planning. I went from outlining on a whiteboard, to organizing things in Excel to Trello. Boom – Trello has honestly changed my life and completely streamlined the way we manage projects together as a team.

So when it comes to organizing my domain portfolio, I’m always looking for technology that can make life easier. As usual, it’s software that has been able to reduce the number of manual tasks I have to do and helped me continue to get more organized around my portfolio and all the data associated with it.

  1. Uniregistry – most people don’t know that you can actually use Uniregistry to manage your domain names across registrars. There’s no cost to do this and it has completely automated the process of keeping track of renewal dates. Previously I used Excel which meant I had to do it manually, now Uniregistry does it for me.
  2. Efty – when it comes to keeping track of inbound offers, Efty also replaced my excel spreadsheets by keeping track of all this data for me. I also used to keep track of my inbounds in Excel, then moved to Salesforce…but in both cases I had to manually copy and paste the contents of offer emails, record email addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  3. Trello – this year I started using Trello to manage domain deals, auctions, etc. Yes – this does mean manually entering things, but I use Trello to manage things at a high level and let solutions like the two I mentioned above manage the lower-level details. Here’s an example, if I get a good offer on a domain and start negotiating, I might add that to a Trello list tracking active deals. Another example is if I find out about an upcoming auction that I think I have domains that could be a good fit for, I can create a card with a name that matches the auction name and then store the names I’d like to list in it. Trello means no more notes, instead I have lists divided into categories which makes it very easy to find things and keep everything organized.

Of course there are plenty of other ways to keep your domain portfolio more organized but I hope these three either spark some inspiration or at least get your gears turning! Now it’s your turn, feel free to share what tools work for you or comment on any of the ones I shared above.

I want to hear from you – comment and let your voice be heard!