Anatomy of a Flip: Kayaking(dot)org – Part 4 – Finished!

As I write this it is currently 11:41PM on Wednesday, July 23rd and I am proud to say that we have just finished building kayaking(dot)org! It was our goal to have the site completed by the 23rd and I am happy to say that we made it – albeit a bit down to the wire!

The final steps were to add our second form of monetization – Google Adsense as well as an interactive user forum. To create the user forum we used GoDaddy’s Hosting Connection to install a SMF forum onto our server. This literally takes less than three minutes to complete and you have a fully functional web forum running on your site!

After this we configured the forum to tailor the boards specifically to the main areas we think our users would like to discuss. As with every flip we have taken the time to understand our market so have learned a lot about what people are looking for when they search for "kayaking".

We decided to go with less intrusive Adsense ad units as we want to make sure people don’t feel that the advertising gets in the way of the resources. Also – no ads on our contact page – I’ve always found that cheesy so like to keep it off the contact page for our large-scale flips such as this.

And that’s it, the site is complete. It is still on our staging server so will not go live on Kayaking(dot)org – until then you can view the completed site here.

Want to know everything I think about when flipping a domain?  Click Here to Learn