Appraiso Launch Recap – One New User Every Ten Minutes!

All I can say is “Wow!” We knew their was a demand based on the surveys we did and the hundreds of people we spoke with, but had no idea it would take-off so quickly. After an explosive launch yesterday we have been seeing people come-onboard at an incredible clip with a new user registering every ten minutes.

Of course this means that people are appraising like crazy and finding-out what their website is really worth! Along with a great initial response, we also had our fair share of small bugs that users found and we fixed in realtime. Hats off to Abdu from Domainsville who definitely found the most bugs in the shortest period of time. While we did test this with a team of fifty beta testers months before launch, you never know until you get out into the wild and see real people using it.


Yesterday was a crazy day for all of us fielding tons of emails, phone calls, Facebook messages, you name it. The great news is that about 95% of it was incredible positive with one user even telling us we almost hit the exact price he recently sold his website for. The servers are running strong and we have definitely been more than prepared for the load that we’re getting.

This morning we got together as a team and ran the numbers, it was a really good feeling to see people using the platform and enjoying it. It’s also a bit of a surreal feeling for all of us who have spent that last year talking about this software company we’re starting, to now actually running a software company. Based on the number of emails in my inbox I can tell you this is no small task and like I said in my post yesterday, this is my top priority.

The only way I’m able to balance this is because of the great people I have working for me at Linton Investments. We’ve built a real business, it’s running, and I can feel confident now putting most of my time, energy, and attention into Appraiso.

For all of my blog readers worried about my attention waning from my blog, don’t worry! My blog is a part of my everyday life, that’s not going to change, and no I’m not just going to blog about Appraiso. In fact, every time I blog about Appraiso I will be making sure to also have another regular post about Domaining the same day so you will still get the same great content you’ve been enjoying for years.

Thanks to everyone who helped make our launch day so special. There’s a lot more to come, from ad spots on some of the top blogs on the net, to a major mass market PR tour that will put this on the radar of the traditional media and regular consumers. As always I want to hear from you, whether you love something about Appraiso or hate something about it, we want to know! We love customer feedback and listen to each and every customer.

So please, as always feel free to comment below or send us an email at support(at)

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton