Daina Linton Speaking At LA Startup Event Today

We are up early on a Saturday and for a good reason, this morning Daina will be speaking at AngelHack LA, one of the cities in the 30-city hackathon now the largest hackathon in the world. If you don’t know what a hackathon is it’s important to know this has nothing to do with computer hacking. Instead it has to do with software development and putting together very cool “hacks” or creative things that can be built in a weekend.

These events are packed with entrepreneurs and existing startup founders and AngelHack runs the biggest hackathons in the world with this event being the first of its kind spanning 32 cities all over the world. AngelHack also runs a very innovative accelerator program that we were lucky enough to be a part of that connects entrepreneurs with investors, and AngelHack has an incredible network of investors and a good eye for solid teams.

The event organizers have asked Daina to speak about how she started Fashion Metric and went from the daily life of a PhD candidate to an LA Startup Founder. Daina will be covering the Fashion Metric journey from start-to-finish from the initial conception of the idea to running the company full time. As many of you know Daina and I both went full time on Fashion Metric in October of last year and the last seven months have been nothing short of a dream come true.

Yesterday we had an amazing photo shoot here in Marina del Rey featuring shirts from two of our designer partners, Second Button from New York City and Jenny Schwarz from London. Below is a sneak peek from one of the on-location shots we did:

If any of you happen to be at AngelHack (I know the DotMe team will be there!) you’ll get to see Daina speak. As many of you know Daina not only came-up with the idea behind Fashion Metric but along with running the company also coded the entire fit algorithm as she has a very strong background in mathematical algorithm design. Daina has spoken at events for years and I can tell you for those in attendance this will be a very inspiring talk.

I hope you’re all having a great start to your weekend and as always, dream big!