Does anyone actually sell domain names on Twitter?

This morning veteran domain investor Michael Curving asked a question that I’ve always wondered about myself, does anyone actually sell domain names through Twitter?

If you click on the tweet you’ll see a number of people have chimed in and overall it sounds like investors are positive about the concept. The general feedback I saw is that it’s just another marketing channel and really the more eyeballs you can get on your domains, the greater chance they have of selling.

As I thought about this more I think it really comes down to approach. I’ve seen people say “Domain X is for sale!!!” followed by 20 – 30 hashtags ranging from #domains and #domainsforsale to #greatdeals and #domainsarecool. Personally I think tweets look insanely spamming when they’re plastered with hashtags and IMO it makes it look like the person doesn’t know how to use Twitter.

At the same time, I think there is a right way to do it and Michael Cyger showed a good example of this in a tweet from Aishwin Vikhona that caught the eye of Braden Pollock. Here’s the tweet:

I’ll ask Braden to let me know if he ends up acquiring this domain as it would be a pretty good example of someone selling a domain on Twitter and maybe a better way to do it. Aishwin didn’t pepper his tweet with hashtags, instead he included an image with the domain in it, which definitely gets your attention, and then two hashtags.

I might give this a try myself and report back. Michael Curving also put up a poll on Twitter which still has 21 hours left if you want to share your own results with selling domains on Twitter.

Thanks to Michael for bringing this up, I’m pretty active on Twitter and honestly just discarded the idea of selling names through Twitter years ago…now I’m wondering if I might be missing out on a potential sales channel? What do you think?