Domaining in 2010 – Three Trends Changing The Domaining World

As you probably know I spent the second-half of January attending Affiliate Summit, TRAFFIC, and DOMAINfest and completed a total of 46 interviews with industry leaders from the Domaining and Affiliate Marketing world.

I still have plenty of thoughts to share about affiliate marketing but I’ll save that for a future post. I learned a lot from these interviews and was honored that everyone was so open and interested in sharing their thoughts.

One of the questions I asked is – “How is the Domaining world changing in 2010” and I found that many people offered similar answers. In an industry as new as Domaining things can change dramatically each year and 2010 will definitely bring some exciting change and challenges.

The top three changes I see happening in the Domaining world in 2010 are:

  1. Domainers Will/Have Become Developers – This is a trend that is already in full-swing as PPC revenues continue to decline and domain investors look for better ways to monetize their domains.
  2. ccTLD’s Will Continue To Grow – In 2009 while the rest of the industry declined ccTLD’s saw growth of over 20% y/y. With the launch of .co there will be some great buzz in the ccTLD space that I think will entice more investors to look at ccTLD’s.
  3. The Domaining Blogging Community Will Grow – The Domaining blogging community saw strong growth in 2009 with many new blogs being added to the space. has done an incredible job of  evening the playing field and highlighting many blogs within our industry. Domainers are passionate people and like sharing their thoughts. There is sure to be many new blogs hitting the scene in 2010 and I look forward to the new additions!

That is what I see as three strong trends we will see in 2010 – now it’s your turn! Share your top three trends for 2010 and feel free to speak your mind and let me know if you agree with mine as well! I’ve got thick skin so if you think I’m crazy – let me know!!