Five Ways I’ve Changed My Strategy in 2010

Now that we’re well-into the second half of 2010 I thought it would be an excellent time to write a post about how my strategy has changed this year. By strategy I mean the way in which I generate revenue for my business. I think that in this industry you should be re-examining your business at least monthly – things are changing fast! I can already sees ways that things like Google Instant Search will likely change my strategy in 2011.

If you’ve followed my blog over the years you’ve seen me experiment, at times successful, at other times, not as successful. There’s a reason why my tag-line has always been “Adventures in Domain Investing,” this is still the Wild West folks and it’s all an incredible adventure. Most of these changes were inspired by changes in the market, lessons learned from experienced Domainers like the Castello Brothers and Rick Latona, and of course good old trial and error. If you wanted to summarize my changes this year into one sentence it would be – “I’ve changed my focus from launching many small websites to launching and managing full-scale online businesses.”

Okay, enough rambling – now to the good stuff! Below are five ways I’ve changed my strategy in 2010.

  1. Stop building many small sites, focus on several big sites – turn them into businesses
  2. Move-away from AdSense and Affiliate Marketing and focus on Lead Generation and Direct Advertising
  3. Use my top sites to test monetization and design strategy more
  4. Develop internal tools for my business that allow me to automate common tasks
  5. Managing my finances in Quickbooks rather than Excel – it took three years but I finally did it!

Want to hear a bit more detail about each of these points? Subscribe to my newsletter as I’ll be covering this and much more in this week’s issue.

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Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton