It’s Official, We Are Now Husband And Wife!

(View from the venue in Malibu)

Hello everyone, and welcome back to! This has been the longest time period in the history of my blog since I’ve written a post so I wanted to give all of you a quick update. The wedding on Saturday was absolutely magical and it was absolutely incredible to share the experience with our friends and family.

Today we will be spending the day biking on the beach in Santa Monica and Venice enjoying some more of the incredible weather we have here in California right now. Tomorrow I will be writing a post about where I will be going with this blog, in short I will be blogging more than ever and sharing our adventures building Fashion Metric along with my usual adventures in Domaining. I will have some big announcements on both fronts that will also be announced over the next few weeks as we move forward onto our next adventure.

For those who are missing my posts about Domaining, don’t worry, they’ll be back in full force and better than ever! Of course since many of you have been following along with the wedding adventure I thought it would only be fair to share some of the pictures with you, enjoy!

(Our first kiss as husband and wife)

(Cutting the cake)

I hope you all had a great weekend and are having a wonderful week, time to go, it’s almost noon – off to the beach!