My Last Weekend Musings Of 2011

It’s official, 2012 is less than six hours away and that makes this my very last weekend musings of the year. 2011 has been an incredible year and I’m going to be sharing all of my reflections on the year next week. This has been one of the most-read series on my blog so I’m excited to continue it in 2012! Now it’s time to step inside my head and join me for my last weekend musing of 2011!

  • There’s nothing like spending time with family and friends. The Holidays are always a nice time to take some time-off and just enjoy time with friends and family. We have family visiting from out of town right now and we’re all having a blast together. I have a busy life and I love every minute of it, but it’s so important to remember that there’s nothing more valuable than spending time with the people you care about!
  • If you thought Domain Development was hot in 2011, just wait for 2012! There was a major shift towards development in 2010 and 2011 but I don’t think anything will compare to the shift that will happen in 2012. People like Braden Pollock, who was just featured on DNJournal are a great example of how domains will be leveraged as assets going forward.
  • I can’t wait for DOMAINfest! I know it’s a month away but I’m already really excited about the show and seeing everyone in Santa Monica. If you really want to get ahead in 2012 this show really is a must.
  • Some incredible blog posts were written this week. People like Elliot and Shane wrote some awesome blog posts this week reflecting on the year and thanking those who have supported them. We are lucky to be in an incredible blogging community and I thought this week had some truly excellent reads.
  • I always love holiday domain drops. There were some great drops over the holidays and I always find that the bidding isn’t quite intense. I picked-up some good names over the last couple of weeks and had some good buys last year this time as well. The major difference between this year and last year has been the addition of Protrada to my toolset. It really has changed the way I look for expired domains and in particular, the amount of time I spend looking for them.
  • Domain Theft reports have been coming-in non-stop over the Holidays. It’s been sad to see some great people have domains stolen but very satisfying to help them out. Every case is different however as we’ve seen for the last few months, the cause is always very similar – a compromised email account. The power that access to an email account can give a thief is incredible and it’s not right. It’s time for a change and next year we’ll be helping to drive and continue to help make the domain space more secure.
  • I’m loving my new Digital SLR. Who knew a camera could be so fun, we’ve had a great time taking some amazing pictures and I highly recommend the Nikon D5100 for anyone looking to add a Digital SLR to their list of gadgets.
  • Last, but certainly not least – I am so happy that the NBA is back in action. I only follow one sport – Basketball – so when this is delayed I really don’t watch any sports. It’s going to be an exciting year and I’m still not sure how the Lakers plan to pull this one off…but it’s going to be interesting to watch!

That’s it! The time has come and my last Weekend Musing of 2011 is now complete! I hope that all of you have a very Happy New Years and I’ll talk to you next year!