Trend Domaining: Are You Cashing in on Holiday Trends?

As as Domain Investor I am always looking for ways to monetize trends. I have written a number of times about a very hot trend I cashed-in on in 2008 (and still am now) – Stimulus Checks. Now that it’s December, some of the best retail trends are in full swing – as a domain investor you should be on top of them! The idea behind cashing-in on these trends is to buy a domain related to the trend, get a content-rich website up with Google Ads and Affiliate Products and hope the search engine gods are on your side 🙂

Trend Domaining is where understanding of some SEO basics will go a LONG way. If you’re completely new to SEO I’d suggest you start with SEOBook which is one of the best resources online for search engine optimization.

Now for spotting the trends. Finding trends really isn’t much of a challenge – watch your local news or read the newspaper and see what the latest holiday retail buzz is about. This year there is a VERY clear trend, a toy that is outselling every toy on the market – and that product is (drum-roll please!) Zhu Zhu Pets. If you don’t know what this is then just ask anyone under the age of ten and they’ll give you a ten-minute explanation of the toy they want more than anything in the world!


It is hot trends like this that should be on your radar. Many Domainers and Affiliate Marketers have already cashed-in on this trend…but they aren’t talking about it because in most cases they don’t want to give-away their secret. I am cashing-in on this trend and I’m giving-away my secret…bad move? Hey – it’s Christmas – isn’t it all about giving? So take a look at what domains are available in this space, put together a simple site that is optimized for search engines and has multiple forms of monetization and see what you can do. December is one of the hottest months for Affiliate Marketers and as a Domain Investor you should be looking for the same trends!

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton