Weekend Musings

Marina del Rey Beach

Hello, happy Saturday and welcome to my weekend musings. I’m going to keep this incredibly short and hop into bullet-point-mode as we have a busy weekend ahead and I have exactly twenty minutes to write this post before we’re off to lunch. So let’s get rocking:

Busy week at Fashion Metric – the focus of our mornings, afternoons, and evening this week has been Fashion Metric. We have a new version of the platform going live soon and some exciting new partners that we are adding. There are some amazing menswear designers out there that nobody has ever heard of, it has been so inspiring to hear their stories and exciting for us to help share their brand with the world.
  • LA Fashion Tech MeetUp tomorrow – Daina and I run the LA Fashion Tech MeetUp group (LAFashionTech.com) with a few other startup founders in LA. Tomorrow we have a beach MeetUp planned complete with Sangria, snacks and volleyball and lots of other startups in the Fashion Tech space. We’re excited!
  • After-TRAFFIC Follow-Up – I’m still following-up with everyone I met with at TRAFFIC, I think this was a record year for me with the most meetings and deals I’ve ever walked away from a conference with along with some great new connections. As I’ve said a few times now I was blown away at the number of people at TRAFFIC Vegas that I had never met before and were coming to TRAFFIC for their first time. Two of the deals that I am the most excited about are from people that I didn’t have scheduled meetings with and were things I hadn’t even thought of before the show, needless to say, I’m excited!
  • Plants – we got inspired and bought some plants for our patio on Thursday, this will be an interesting experiment as we have zero experience keeping plants alive (but a fair amount of experience killing them). Special thanks to Shane who has been helping us learn the basics here, so far they’re all still alive!
  • Have you checked-out Medium yet? Medium.com has become my top daily read and I’m really enjoying writing for them as well. This week I wrote a post titled – 3 Things Game of Thrones Has Taught Me About Startup Life.
  • Speaking of Game of Thrones – for those who watched the “Red Wedding” how darn traumatic was that? I’m reading the books but am still only part-way through the first book so was equally traumatized as all the other people who didn’t see that coming, yikes!

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a great weekend!

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton